welcome to our region.

125,000 people. 500+ churches. 9 regions.

Vineyard EAST is our home.

“He makes the whole body fit together perfectly. As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love.”

— Ephesians 4:16 —


I’m Phil Chorlian, lead pastor of the North Jersey Vineyard Church in South Hackensack, NJ and the Regional Leader of Vineyard EAST.

I have the privilege of serving our region alongside some incredible men and women, pastors and leaders who love Jesus and have a heart for others. Meet our amazing team!

our region.

Vineyard EAST is comprised of 9 regions spanning a vast area — from Maine to Virginia, from Western Pennsylvania to New York. By organizing churches into regions, we are able to remain strongly connected to one another — as individual and interdependent bodies of believers in our shared area as well as an integral part of our national Vineyard family.

“We have a unique call to Kingdom theology, ministry of the Holy Spirit, justice, and building healthy churches. God is doing great things among us! We believe that this is just the beginning. We are Vineyard.”

— Vineyard USA